I went out yesterday and got 6 new chairs on wheels for the tables I will be setting up in the new office space. I was glancing through an ad from Office Depot and saw a sale on some chairs. They were $40 off each chair and I had 4 gift cards and a big coupon. That meant it was time to get the chairs. So now all 6 chairs will match. I was so excited to get such a deal. Because I really thought I would just have to be happy to get the padded folding chairs. But in the end it was cheaper to get these. I'm thrilled!
I also found out on Friday that I am definitely getting new carpet too. Mrs Johnson asked if I could be patient if I knew I was getting new carpet. I answered "Sure!". It should be in later this week. So it looks like I will be able to move in next weekend (which of course I will be on retreat that weekend). Oh well, I'll just wait until Monday. It's well worth the wait.
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11 years ago
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