I spent all day yesterday and last night working on getting the fabrics folded and organized. I kept bringing up fabric that was on a shelf and then kept finding bags and bags. I didn't think it would ever end. The good part was that the bags actually had a lot of coordinating fabrics which meant there was a purpose behind them. At any rate they needed to be folded and "filed". Below is one of the last stacks I brought up to finish. The bad part was that I was starting to run low on the plastic fabric folders. Which by the way I love those things. Yes, I could use cardboard, but I have issues with "acid free". And considering that I have no clue how long this fabric will be on the folders, I would be taking a huge risk at the acid eating up my fabric. Chances are some of this won't be used until I am long gone and Sydnee is rooting through my stuff.
Now here is the finished result of nearly everything folded. Some of it was also in chairs. So this certainly isn't all of it. I also took little squares of paper and wrote the yardage on it. Pinned it to the flap and now I know how much I have.

Now to decide on how to organize it in the drawers. I was getting tired so I didn't get to put it in the light/medium/dark order yet. Hey, but it's all there. I decided to place in color family. But if I had a bunch that was from the same series and I wanted to use it in the same project, I went ahead and bundled them together. And then I also did that with the Chrismas fabrics.

This drawer is the Christmas, series and whimsical kid prints. 

So in the end the stash is done. Now on with the closet. Mike finally moved nearly 12 boxes of trains from the closet that I was in to begin with. But slowly he had moved my stuff out one box at a time. Of course I wasn't sure how to do it since I didn't have any more shelves that would fit in there. So I pulled out my wire cubicles and put them together to see what would work. Yep, it worked. I had some fabric to make clothes out of, interfacings, temptex, some quilt projects already bagged up and ready to start, etc. Well a perfect fit. Those plastic bins we keep projects in a lot fit perfect in a cubicle. Actually you can stack 4 of them just right.
My problem will be that I have a ton more of these at the office. Mike has decided that he wants me to close my office in Jtown. So remember this, I have 6 - 5 ft tables, 6 highback office chairs on wheels, more quilt projects, a huge desk, a storage cabinet, set of shelves, file cabinet, a folding cutting table, and 2 book cases there. So where is all of that going to go? And the lighting is terrible in this room at home, so he has more work to do before I can use it full time. But for now, at least this part is recognized. Now on to getting other junk out of the floor. I have managed to throw out one large black garbage bag and donate 2 boxes full. So that is a start. 

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