Sunday, December 21, 2008

Great Weekend

I was at a retreat this weekend and had a great time. It was only a friend Kim and another friend Deanna. Kim was scrapbooking while Deanna and I sewed our projects. I managed to get my 30's quilt completely pieced. Borders are all on now. It's going to be off to Mom's now to be quilted.

I also cut out and made up 4 stockings. I had been wanting our stockings to coordinate with each other and be big enough to hold things. Our old ones wouldn't even fit a CD case. So the new ones will. I managed to get them all sewed up and just need to cut the stocking shape and sew the outside seam. Mike and the kids really liked them. Each picked out which one they wanted. Here is a picture of how they looked when the blocks were out, but nothing sewn together. They have turned out so cute after all said and done. I need to do the snipping so they will rag out now.

After completing this quilt, I decided to get the kids PJ's done. I made them each 3 sets. All I have to do is put the elastic in their seam allowances. They turned out pretty cute.

Then I worked on a very large Christmas quilt that I started about a year ago. The blocks are all put together, but now I need to assemble all of the individual blocks into the actual quilt.

So all in all, I feel like I got quite a bit done.

I hope to have some time this weekend to try to get the Christmas quilt done. There really isn't much to do there anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You did get a lot done! The quilt is beautiful!!

    I lea...rn how to s...ew (hear my whining voice and see me pouting?)

    I've been frantically trying to get two embroidered pillowcases done for my stepmom for Christmas. Plus I've got the felt to do the knotted ends blankets for EACH ONE of the kids (haven't got started) for Christmas. However, last night I did start and FINISH the cutest crocheted headband with a BIG pretty silver bow to match Lily's Christmas dress. The bow is nearly the size of her head...but it is SO cute.
